Supported by an unrestricted academic independent medical education grant from Alcon.

Fundamentals Episode 2

February 2019

Phaco Chop: Fluidics and the “Safe Zone”

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Surgery Details

Surgery Desciption

In this issue we demonstrate staining of the anterior capsule in a patient with a sectoral anterior subcapsular cataract and moderately dense nucleus. Successful nucleus segmentation by horizontal phaco chop performed through a small capsulorhexis, nucleus segment attraction utilizing a relatively high aspiration flow rate, and globe rotation to facilitate subincisional cortex removal are also featured.

Learning Objective

After completion of this educational activity, participants should be able to: demonstrate the use of an aspiration flow rate that is sufficient to attract nuclear fragments and thereby permit the phaco tip to remain within the central “safe zone” of the chamber as the fragments move to the tip.


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