Supported by an unrestricted academic independent medical education grant from Alcon.

Fundamentals Episode 33

September 2021

Diffractive Multifocal IOL Exchange: Improving Visibility of the Anterior Capsule

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Surgery Desciption

The use of Trypan Blue to stain the anterior capsule is normally restricted to cataract-implant procedures. However, during IOL exchange of a diffractive multifocal IOL, the diffractive rings can create difficulty in visualizing the pre-existing capsulorhexis, thereby making maneuvers such as viscodissection of the IOL from the capsular sac more difficult to achieve. Staining of the anterior capsule with trypan blue can assist visualization of the anterior capsule during these procedures.

Learning Objective

After completion of this educational activity, participants should be able to demonstrate staining of the anterior capsule in order to improve visibility of the capsulorhexis margins during removal of diffractive multifocal IOLs.


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